Our own little theatre

According to the writer, Kevis Brass, "All the world may be a stage, but theater is a tough way to make a buck." (Read the article here: https://www.wsj.com/…/what-it-takes-to-keep-a-community-the…)
Some people do theatre for money, some for the love of it. To sew words together making an interesting story is an art. To take that story and present it in an entertaining yet heartfelt way is even greater art. An interesting story, if not told interestingly enough, can kill it. Believe me, I have seen it in so many movies.
Local theatre, I think it is one of the best things that can happen to a community. Local talent performing in front of the local community supported and endorsed by local businesses. It is a cultural space where the society examines itself - an introspection of a kind. But, come to think of it, how many cities are lucky enough to have a well oiled local theatre company and to have a local immigrant theatre. MoCo is one of the lucky ones. I recently was presented with the opportunity to watch plays staged by Natya Bharati at F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre, Rockville. I must say, what a talent!
Recently Natya Bharati uner the guidance of its president, Adarsh Gupta, held 2-days festival to celebrate 35 years of cultural experience. This one act play festival staged 6 plays over two days - Amma, The Refund, Ek April, Black Game, Mehman, Kanhaiyya. Adarsh has been serving as president for six years and rightly put by her daugheter, she has accomplished a lot - 6 years, 26 directors, 28 plays, 100 new participants, 590% paid membership growth, 6,600 tickets sold.
If you haven't attended the productions of Natya Bharati, then you are surely missing an experience. I enjoyed it and will be going to their next event, be there to support your local theatre.


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